Welcome to the Instructor ClockWork Portal
You can use this website to:
*View accommodations that have been assigned to your students
*Tell us about your upcoming finals, mid-terms, tests or quizzes
Click the "Courses" tab above to get started.
Please contact Accessibility Services if you require assistance or would like further information on ClockWork and how it is utilized at Northwestern Polytechnic.
Location: F215-Learning Commons
Helpful Documents
The following documents provide additional information regarding accommodations provided by Accessibility Services:
ClockWork Faculty Guide
Audio Recording Agreement
****November 12, 2024- Scantron Sheets
Accessibility Services no longer supplies scantron sheets for exams uploaded on ClockWork. If scantrons are required, please have them delivered to our office (F215 in Grande Prairie or FAC127A in Fairview) at least one day before the test date. Otherwise, the student will be instructed to circle the answers in the exam booklet.
****Final Exams
Students have begun to request final exam accommodations. Accessibility Services appreciates faculty taking the time to provide us with the exam information in advance facilitate a smooth accommodated exam process for all involved. Please contact our office if you have any questions.
****Instructor Contact Information for Tests
Please ensure that you are providing Accessibility Services with contact information where we can reach you immediately should a student have questions, require clarification regarding the test or experience technical difficulties. This could be a cell phone number that we can call/text or email if you plan to be working at a computer station during the test period.
- Escorting a student to a classroom to ask an instructor a question can interrupt thought processes and take writing time away from a student, especially in timed online exams. Many of the questions students have can often be clarified by speaking to an instructor over the phone.
- If the student is scheduled to write their test at a time that is different than the rest of the class, please ensure that we can reach you in a timely manner so the student is able to complete their test without delay.
- If you plan to be off-campus during an exam, please provide us with a cell phone number or a designate to contact in your place.
- Contact information provided to Accessibility Services will never be shared with a student and the contact will be initiated by Accessibility Services staff.
Not being able to reach an instructor to answer questions can add additional stress in what can be an already stressful situation for a student. Accessibility Services appreciates instructors' cooperation in providing us with a way to quickly get in touch with them.